Flame On!
Wow, I've been flamed! I'm so proud. Here it is with my parenthetical comments included. Please note that the last sentence is that of the Flamer. I'm not sure what it means.
Jayvin, you sure have a lot of aggression and disdain for people in general. (How did you guess?)You are so bothered by so many different people, yet are very sanctamonious about not hurting those alone, or hurt. How do you resolve this obvious conflict? (By merely writing about tearing up the town with a bat, as opposed to actually doing it.) Your baseball bat fantasy is worrisome. (Worrisome? I'm not coming after you, I promise. No matter how much you flame me. ) I'd rather have a happy go lucky starbuck's barista as a friend, then someone so stressed by life's little situations that show us our need for patience that he must resort to violence, even of inanimate objects. And for your reflection on stupid people and the wrong use of spelling or pronouns, fyi,that Walgreens you go to so often, is clearly spelled on the top of the store, and the receipt as W-A-L-G-R-E-E-N-S...(It's "than," not "then." Am I going to have to post another grammar lesson? Watch those run on sentences. As for the store name, it's officially listed as Walgreen Co., I was just saying that sometimes there's no "s.")....just swing that back once, my friend, you may end up in prison where you could blog all you want, and wouldnt that be ironic since you have such criticism of those who complain, but dont do the right thing. (Sounds like you missed the point of the posts. Reality: I say "thank you" at the gas station. Fantasy: I write about smacking some annoying fucker with a bat.) You aren't part of the solution, clearly you are part of the problem! (The solution to what? Waking up to world where everyone cares about everyone else? What planet are you from? I'm gay and I'm Wiccan. You can't tell me shit about tolerance.) Good show! (for your writing collection, that is sarcasm...wouldnt want to assume)
Well, Reader, thanks for taking the time to post. You've obviously given my writing a great deal of thought and assumed a great deal about who I am. Feel free to continue posting comments.