Sentio Interruptus
I forgot what I was going to blog about. A Loyal Reader told me that the links on my posts were f'ed up. I thought that as long as they linked to the page that I wanted, they were fine. Nooo. Apparently I have to make them a part of the text, and open another browser window and change color and so forth. It ain't like I just started this last week. The whole point of using this service was so I didn't have to learn HTML. If I wanted to learn HTML, I'd get my own, hosted website, and call my geeky friends who know about this mess to program it for me. So I hope that we are all pleased with the links. You people should know by now that I have a rather stream of consciousness thing going on in the brain, and you're distracting me.
No, I don't have ADD. Or OCD or other cute acronym-labeled mental disorders or complications -not that there's anything wrong with that, as many fine upstanding well-adjusted people do have those things, and I love them dearly- I just need to focus when I write, so that's it's coherent and on track. And what's with the acronym thing that we have going on? Maybe I'll just leave that for another post, because it's too long of a subject to write about just now, so I'll skip it. And really, I do love my geeky friends, and there is a proportionately large number of them. They like to talk about Trek and BSG and relevance on the socio-political scene. Don't get me wrong, I like to talk about those things as well, and I hold my own with any geek, anytime, anywhere. I get on good with geeks, yet I am not a geek. Stop with the pishing, geeks, because it's true. I have fashion sense. Yes, when necessary, I can dress you up and take you out. (Your wives, too. Oh yeah. That cute little outfit- my idea.) Besides, geeks can't be gay. It's just not possible because the rest of us would get all Queer Eye on him before he got the chance to be geeky and gay. Name one gay geek that you have ever met. See? Can't, there ain't none. Hey, what about a Queer Eye for the queer guy? We could save thousands of zipped up geeky homos before it's too late! Where was I? Oh yeah - I don't complain about having to wear a suit. In fact, I know how to buy a suit- and matching shoes, shirt and tie. I quote Monty Python because I want you to feel comfortable around me. There! I admitted it. I don't own any type of Python anything. Haven't seen them since college. Never played D & D, never built a computer, never went to the science fair. Went to the county fair. Love that roasted corn and turkey legs; man I hate waiting all year for that. Why am I dumb enough to wait all year for some damn corn? And then pay half a mint to park and get in the gate for the privilege? But that's another post so, I'll just save it.
If I remember what I was going to write about to begin with, I'll let ya know.
You're not a geek? OK, Mr., "My VCR didn't record Battlestar! What will I do? Do you have a TV Guide? When does it come on again? Help! Help! Can I watch it at your house!?!?!?!?"
Go ahead and delude yourself if you must. By the way, we have it waiting for you on our DDR anytime you want to come over.
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